Trans Resistance

Project Description




Gloria and Carmen are women whose life stories are quite different yet both shaped by the same struggle. Gloria has spent over forty years hiding her identity, even reaching the extreme of enlisting in the army in search of a “virile” environment. Now that she is beginning her transition, it is difficult for her to face her family and society, in a precarious economic situation and struggling to find work. Carmen, by contrast, decided to express herself as a woman from an early age and assume the consequences of this decision. She proposes reclaiming the memory of transgender people repressed throughout history, through a theatre play. The documentary likewise offers a voice to others involved in the struggle for transgender rights, including a young generation taking up the veterans’ baton, expressing themselves with freedom on social media, in a society just starting to become aware. Here it is, the trans resistance.




72 minutes.

Production Company:

Barret Cooperativa Valenciana

Executive Producers:

Dani Fabra, Beatriz Garrote, Albert Roselló, Jaime Ahur


Claudia Reig, Dani Fabra, Vincent Peris, Cris Centeno

Festivals and Awards:

    • “Chérie Cheris 2019 Festival du film LGBT de Paris – Sección Panorama 2019 (Francia)
    • LesGaiCineMad – Sección Oficial 2019 (España)
    • Mostra la ploma – Sesión inaugural 2019 (España)
    • OutFestPerú (XVI Festival internacional de cine LGTB de Lima) – Sección Oficial 2019 (Perú)
    • Diverso Film Fest – Sección Oficial 2019 (Colombia)
    • Porn Film Festival Berlin – Sección oficial 2019 (Alemania)
    • Rencontres In&Out Nice – Sección Premio del Público 2019 (Francia)
    • Écrans Mixtes – Festival de Cinéma Queer de Lyon – Selección 2020 (Francia)”

Project Details